

Use EU grant and create health, green course and digitalization innovations. 

The main goal – The EIC Accelerator aims to support companies where EIC support will act as a catalyst to attract other investors needed to develop innovation.

Grant is for the companies that have radical, new technology/innovation and has already created the prototype of a product. 

Information for the applicants

  • Acceptance of applications – 2 evaluation phases. 1 phase – applications can be submitted at any time. Only after it has passed it is available to participate in the 2nd phase. 2 phases – applications can be submitted in April or in October;
  • Eligible applicants- startups or small and medium enterprises (SME);
  • Applicator which is a single company classified as a ‘Small mid-cap’ (up to 500 employees can participate alone. Otherwise, partners are necessary.
Inočekiai. Ferox Baltic

Financing components*:

  • An investment component: investments from 0,5 to 15 million euros;
  • A grant component: investments from 0,5 to 2,5 million euros (intensity up to 70%).


Financing options:

  1. Both investment and grant components or
  2. Grant only (prove that applicator will be able to finance 9th Technology Readiness Level needed);
  3. Grant first, then – investitions (when the product is not finished).

A single company is classified as a ‘Small mid-cap’ (up to 500 employees) established in a Member State or an Associated Country, but your application can only be for rapid scale-up purposes (e.g. Technology Readiness Level 9) and only for the investment component.

If applicants are now participating in one of Europe Horizont projects they are eligible to submit an Accelerator proposal via the Fast Track scheme.

Applicants may also apply if they have a project funded under an eligible program managed by a Member State or Associated country under a pilot complementary scheme.

* There are additional conditions. More information will provide consultants of Ferox Baltic.

EIC Accelerator challenges:

  • Strategic Digital and Health Technologies
  • Green Deal innovations for the Economic Recovery

Use the opportunity to fund Your innovative projects. Consulting and project writing of Ferox Baltic professionals will help You reach Your goals.

More info will provide Ferox Baltic specialists. Contact us now! 

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