

The main goal – to rebuild a greener, more digital, and more resilient Europe. 

This grant is for the companies which have a radical, ambitious new technology vision that can create new markets and (or) deal with the challenges that the world meets and has already reached 4-5/6 Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) / from the prototype to the real product) 

Information for the applicants:

  • Grant up to 2.5 mln. Eur;
  • Intensity up to 100%;
  • 2 evaluation phases:

1. Applications can be submitted at any time;

2. Applications can be submitted in April or in October.

  • Applicants – startups, small, medium enterprises (SME), mid-caps, and larger companies*;
  • There is a chance to participate as a single legal entity or as a consortium that includes at least two independent legal entities;

*In the case of mono beneficiary projects, mid-caps and larger companies will not be permitted (to participate with partners is a must).




Use the opportunity to support Your innovative projects. Ferox Baltic consultations and preparation of Your project will help reach Your goals.

More information about the grant will provide Ferox Baltic specialists. Contact us now!

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