
Promotion of connection innovation for start-ups (private sector)

Financing of digital technological solutions that require 5G connectivity.

Key information for applicants:

  • Submission of applications is 11 April 2023 to 31 July 2023.
  • The maximum financing amount is 50 000 Eur.
  • The budget is 1 000 000 Eur.
  • Support intensity up to 100%
  • Possible applicants are very small or small companies operating for no more than five years.
  • Partners are available.
Untitled design (5)

Possible partners:

Potential partners are legal entities that meet one of the following conditions:

  • The partner is a very small or small company that has been operating for no more than five years;
  • The partner is a research and study institution.
  • The partner is a mobile communication operator that ensures the 5G connection necessary for project activities

Funded activities and eligible costs:

Funded activities – creation, testing and development of digital technological solutions that require 5G connection.

Eligible costs:

  • Equipment, facilities, etc. assets:

– project execution costs for goods;

– Depreciation costs of fixed assets directly used for R&D activities.

  • Project implementation (services and wages):

– costs of R&D services, acquisition of copyright works from external sources under normal market conditions;

– expenses related to the acquisition of consulting and equivalent services intended solely for the R&D activities of the project, as well as expenses for the purchase of services required for the R&D activities, which are not R&D and without which the project goals will not be achieved; these costs are eligible for financing when the services are procured from external sources under normal market conditions;

– the costs of the project staff’s wages and business trips.

  • Project information costs.
  • Indirect costs and other costs according to the fixed rate of project costs.

Take advantage of the support for digital solutions in various sectors. Ferox Baltic’s consultancy and project preparation will help you increase your business efficiency and achieve your goals.

Ferox Baltic specialists will provide more information about the measure. Get in touch now!

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